Maguire Iron Company LLC

Kirkpatrick, Ltd.

William Kirkpatrick, Esq., J.P.

1817 - 1887

Mayor of Walsall, 1887

Founder, in the year of 1855, of the business in Walsall that was carried on for many years in his name and under his direction.

William Kirkpatrick's father was John Kirkpatrick the Supreme Judge of the Ionian Islands--whose grandfather was Sir Thomas Kirkpatrick, the third Baronet. The first Baronet was created in 1685 for "his unswerving Loyalty to the Royal House of Stewart."

In 1910 the business was incorporated under the style of

Kirkpatrick, Ltd.





"I mak Siccar"

The motto of

Kirkpatrick, Ltd.


The origin of "I mak Siccar" forms a direct link with one of the most decisive events in Scottish history.

The defeat of Wallace by Edward I at Falkirk in 1298 was reputed to be due to the defection of the forces of John Comyn, Earl of Badenoch, to the English. After the capture and execution of Wallace in 1304, Comyn had ambitions of becoming King of Scotland himself. It was at the Monastery in Dumfries that Robert the Bruce, a strong supporter of Wallace, and Comyn came face to face. They quarreled; Comyn was stabbed by Bruce. Rushing out to his escorts, Bruce told them "I doubt I have slain Comyn." Roger Kirkpatrick, saying "I mak Siccar" (I'll make certain) ran into the building, and, finding Comyn wounded but alive, stabbed him to the heart. Subsequently Robert the Bruce was crowned King of Scotland in 1306.

In 1951 a bronze plaque was unveiled in Castle Street, Dumfries, marking the spot where Comyn was slaughtered.